Saturday I went to a beginning sock class at Fiber Arts in Odessa. Rosalind Moore
is the owner, and a finer yarn shop you won't find. There are comfy leather chairs to sit and knit or crochet. As opposed to some Tampa Bay LYSs, she gives crochet its due and fancies with knitting.
Patsy Harbor was our teacher ( You can see her to the right showing off her socks. She was splendid. Our class was small, three people, but either we were smarter than the other clas (ha!) or Patsy
had worked out the kinks in the class, we all learned pretty quickly. Except for Jane, who is a die-hard knitter and kept being frustrated by the crochet stitches. I have to hand it to Jane though. She didn't give up and Patsy was right there with her helping through it all.
Here is a photo of my sock, using Patons sock yarn. Patsy taught us how to work a base chain double crochet, which is very hard to understand at first, but quite easy. I'm so glad I took the class, because that stitch alone would have taken me forever to learn. Then we did a row of alternating back and front post doubl crochets, which were very cool. Patsy explained that those stitches are used to cable in crochet. Then it was on to a shell stitch leg pattern. Very very cool.
Patsy brought some of her Crochet World magazines. Her designs are featured at
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