Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to School and Looking Back at 2009

Tomorrow is the start of school. With it I begin the Health research paper process that kicks off the research paper frenzy that is third marking period. It will be a rush to spring break. Madness, really. No time to breathe.

Good thing my article is finished. No more editing to do. It comes out at the end of January. I finished perusing a manuscript for a friend and commenting on it over break. So that is off my plate as well. I wish I had time to crochet, but ever since Bingo came into my life, crochet has disappeared. But I wouldn't wish Bingo away for the world. It has been quite an experience so far these 6 months with him.

It seemed like a lark, being able to take your dog everywhere. But in actuality, it is a lot of hard work. There are many frustrating times, some when I am frustrated with myself for my lack of patience with him, with him for not being super Bingo (which is really just a backhanded way of being frustrated with myself and being delusional about it 8-) and frustrated with people.

I remember clearly walking out of school with Bingo, my HUGE bag, my HUGE purse and another bag and trying to get to my car quickly. Bingo was out of coat. The mom and her young son ran up and said, "Oh, he's out of coat, so we can pet him, right?" and then proceeded to pet him without waiting for me to get him ready. Bingo jumped. I was really hard pressed to maintain my balance let alone respond. Then she says, "Well, he's gonna fail for sure," and walks off. Really. Like you just failed Manners 101? Sigh. I know he's not perfect, but please.

But that is really the only occurance that comes to mind that was unpleasant. Overall, I have met so many nice, friendly people. What's even better, is that when I am walking with Bingo, he elicites smiles. He makes people happy and that makes me happy.

So even though it is hard work and at end of the road there will be tears, the journey down the road is a happy one. There isn't much that can beat reaching down and petting your dog when you are having a tough day or getting a lick on the face.

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