Friday, June 12, 2009

The Hazards of Pet Sitting

This is Kaia the Wonder Pug. She's 10. She's staying at our house for a week because her mom is coming off a hospital stay and is a bit too weak to run up and down some flights of stairs to handle all Kaia's bathroom needs. Kaia is giving me the "the look". It says, essentially, "Lady, I've been in a couple of houses, and let me tell you house this is going to work..."
For the most part, she's got it right. I will do anything to make sure that she makes it through her week with me unscathed, fat, happy and healthy and back to her mom's arms in one piece. In fact, I went to take a nap this afternoon and Kaia was making an infernal racket on the wood floors with her nails so I let her out of the room and went to lay back down. Then I had visions of all sorts of bad things happening, so I leaped out of bed, ran downstairs, got on the couch with Kaia and we both took a nap on couch very comfortably.

We have had three guide dog puppies in training to puppy sit and only one of them didn't go into the yarn room and root around in the yarn. Kaia shows no interest in the yarn. YEA! JC fell into the pond twice. Kaia seems to be aware that that pond is filled with water and should be avoided.

This is me with Willow and Kaia. She is making us do her bidding.


FredCanDoIt said...

Cute on three counts!

Kristina D. Closs said...

She is so cute! I had those same nightmares when I first got my kitten. Every time she was out of my sight I would dream up bad things that could happen.

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