Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Meds for Migraines

I've switched to a new neurologist who specializes in migraines and he seems to be quite good. He's got me on a couple of new medications, which also seem to be working. No headache/migrain on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Slight headache today, but took an NSAID and it seems to be mostly taken care of.

I'll be keeping a headache diary. He said that he wanted to try these meds first before progressing to other options, which is fine with me. I just want the migraines to stop.


richard said...

take your meds, relax, and eat right.

G said...

Yay, no more migraines! You know my mom's migraines come on when she eats something she's allergic to. Have you tracked what you've eaten before getting the migraine...there might be a connection.