Thursday, April 14, 2011

Abilock continued

A good rule of thumb might be to mind the gap between when it happened and when it was first reported.

rule of thumb: look for doctoring.

do an evaluation of journal article in science.

evaluate wikipedians: use their tools. who the contributors are and use the wiki dashboard. And use wiki trust.

Different kinds of contirbutors. sometimes it steers coverage.

take a look at grady harp in amazon. see how ha reviewed so many books!!

Twitter decides reputation by voting.

our job is to show them where to put their effort.

read the checklist manifesto! great book.

push back on brand loloyalty teach corroboration with factoids.

design assignments that have kids becoming civic contributors to wikipedia.
go to noodle tools. click on 21st literatices and click on who knows what


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